Button and Bug
E-Commerce WebsiteShopify
Button and Bug is a website I built and setup with the Shopify Store backend. It leverages modern Shopify 2.0 elements to achieve responsive design for both mobile and desktop resolutions.
Handcrafted SEO copy really make the front page shine and display the product's unique value to the customer. Product pages uses metafields and custom liquid to get a custom look with dynamic elements.
Setup top to bottom of the legal, tax and payment elements was setup in a 2-hour meeting. Customer was trained on how to use their store in a 2 hour training session.
See it live:
LogoOne of the logos I am most proud of creating while at Microsoft. My team was put on experimental social and one-use apps called "Snacky Apps" for a time. I worked with the design team to collaborate on this logo design, which ended up being used for the official app!
Little Colorado
E-Commerce WebsiteShopify
Google Ads
Email Newsletter
Little Colorado started as an E-Commerce website client and became much more with time, and I grew to essentially manage the entire technical & administrative side of the business. This website evolved over time as I was able to work on it, and features so many cool elements like Shopify 2.0 responsive design, metafields & mega menus.
See it live:
LogoE-Commerce Website
Word Press
Sodura was a client which Little Colorado eventually acquired. They wanted a very simple and easy to use Word Press website with new branding and a focus on simplicity. The logo was designed to be extremely pallatable to printing on wood, black and white, and color.
See it live:
The Tot/Little Colorado
Social MediaBranding
An example of the click-through SEO carousels I would build for Instagram content and promotional use.
LogoE-Commerce Website
WoodToyBox was a client which became another acquisition of Little Colorado's. They wanted a playful but muted logo that was easy to read in a number of applications with or without the graphic. I settled on a fun text shape with a cute teddy bear graphic. The website features fun typography and simplistic design, focused on drawing the customer's attention to the various toy boxes and chests they offer. Custom copy brand SEO accompanys the design elements, to really sell this product.
See it live:
Little Colorado Amazon
E-Commerce WebsiteAmazon
Once Little Colorado was trademarked and brand registered with Amazon, I built their Amazon fulfillment business from the ground up and included a brand storefront page for customer's to find on Amazon and lend legitimacy to the small business brand in the global market.
See it live:
Little & Brave
LogoLogo for the E-Commerce Brand Little & Brave. They wanted a throw-back design to "The Little Red Balloon."
BrandingPrint Design
access.mobile wanted to brand and promote their values with a colorful poster including some great imagery.
LogoPrint Ads
Crema was a client I met through SVGMC while I worked for them. I ended up creating a number of assets for them including the print ads they still run today!
Print Design
An ad for access.mobile to be used on the internet and in print for AmHealth Kenya.
New Idea Engineering
LogoNew Idea wanted a logo that looked simplistic and modern (without being flat) and could easily translate to black and white... but had a little more going on in a subtle way. We eventually landed on this striking blue hue and double line motif.
Print DesignLetterhead
access.mobile needed a new letterhead design and I came up with this mix of minimalism and readability that still held onto some color.
Memory Chests
LogoLogo for the E-Commerce Brand Memory Chests. They wanted something that could easily be printed into wood.
Little Colorado Newsletters
Email MarketingNewsletter
Sent monthly newsletters to the customers of Little Colorado. Marketing customer journeys, promoting sales, and highlighting new products
BrandingPress Page
Print & File Design
I designed the Press Page that was distributed in 2019 which showcases access.mobile's various appearance in the press and media. This was designed for use as a distributable Word document.
Kuna's Resume
Kuna wanted a resume that would stand out in a number of ways to a number of different professions. He was able to carry this branding & logo into his social media and marketing of himself.
This logo features playful dots leading the eye to Kuna's name and capping out the copy extremely well. The color draws in the reader without distracting from the content and easily switches to black & white.
River's Business Cards
Business Cards
River had a need to distribute business cards that people wouldn't want to throw away. We agreed an eye-catching design would convince many people to hang onto his card. He was able to build a successful client-base, and I still see his cards being held onto today!
Homeroom Yoga
Business Cards
The owner of Homeroom Yoga wanted a new look that could look striking in black background, since their studio was a modern design in black. She also wanted her Hawaiian heritage to show through on her business cards. I got her the natural, rough sketch look she wanted in her logo and she still uses the design in her studios today. Though they did move away from the black!
Zumba Ad for Candi
PosterPrint Design
A Zumba instructor I knew was going to be teaching Zumba for Microsoft and she needed a way to promote the class. I offered to create her a poster and distribute it, and was able to join the class!
Pineda Chiropractic
LogoBusiness Cards
Dr. Pineda wanted something fresh and artistic for her business cards.
PosterPrint Design
I got to be involved in a lot of promotional materials for Microsoft, and although the Microsoft corporation design concept is ultra-minimal - I really enjoyed this design. Always happy to be and ally and show support for good causes like equality!
Kathy's Resume
Kathleen is a professional woman who has a very diverse history in a number of different roles. She wanted a resume that looked fresh to younger eyes, and would tell the reader right away that she was technically savvy... while still remaining traditionally presentable to recruiters. I sold her on this professional and readable formatting with an accompanying black & white friendly version. With this resume, she began a career as an apprentice real-estate agent and still does that today!
Green Resume Design
This is the resume that got Microsoft to give me a chance! I was given a lot of extra design work and learned from a lot of very smart people during my time at the company.
Oriana Chorale Chrismas Concert
Print DesignAds
A specially sized promotional graphic for Oriana Chorale's Christmas Concert.
Rocky Mountain Arts Association
LogoRocky Mountain AA held a competition for logo design, and I won! They used this logo I created for a few years before redesigning to a text-only logo.